Monday, March 2, 2009

Bloodwork, Day 3

I started to panic this afternoon when I wasn't able to get through to my medvoice line. I kept getting a recording telling me that the lines were full. I tried back every 15 minutes to see if I had a message waiting. I figured that I didn't, I haven't had one yet. I am pretty standard/by-the-book when it comes to my blood and hormone levels, and I don't require much out of the ordinary when it comes to stimulating my egg production.
I sort of gasped when I was finally able to get through the recording only to find out that I DID have a message waiting for me. And not a good one.
It appears as though my ovaries aren't doing much right now, so we have to drastically increase my dosages. The drama of it all is that they are having me increase my Bravelle, the drug that I only had 4 vials of to begin with. The message told me that I needed to take an additional 2 this evening, and 3 tomorrow morning.
Funny! I only have one in my fridge!
I wasn't able to retrieve my message until after my clinic closed, so I had to track down the nurse on-call to deal with my dilemma. I told her the situation. She was quite surprised to see that I was getting such a huge increase in dosages. It is written time and time again in the "Patient Handbook" that we have from the clinic to 'Be prepared with extra meds.' Well, sorry we couldn't be prepared for not having any sort of stimulation at all. Not from me. I am the girl that took the lowest dose of Clomid available and still managed to produce three eggs that cycle!
We were able to call-in this evenings and tomorrows dose to a pharmacy in Eden Prairie. Very few pharmacy carry these drugs, since they are injectable fertility meds. My insurance won't cover these since I didn't use the mail order pharmacy that I am suppose to. In an emergency situation, you don't really have the choice. The out of pocket expense was only $340.00 which isn't bad, although it really sort of is considering it is only 2 dosages worth of the med. It is also only one drug of the five that I am taking right now.
Anyway the situation was taken care of when Joel was able to call a friend to pick up the med for us. We were in Northfield today and the med drama didn't start until 5:00, the pharmacy closed at 5:30. No matter how fast we sped, we wouldn't have been able to make it in time. Amy is a life saver. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am not really sure how I am not responding with the way my ovaries feel. I am in pain and I am bloated.

I got so see my favorite niece today. She is so amazing. I love everything about her. I could watch her all day long. She makes the cutest little faces when she sleeps. She is so smart already. She can turn her head, and pick up her neck. She can already roll onto her side! She is pretty much the most perfect child every created! I am most definitely not biased. The greatest news is that my shingles have scabbed over, so I was able to hold her since I am not contagious anymore!
I could cuddle her all day long. I cannot wait to go and see her and my wonderful sissy again.

That's all for today. I wrote a book. I'll have more on Thursday. We'll be having some more blood work and an ultrasound that day. We'll get to count the number of follicles that are growing. There have to be some by then!


  1. Ah Annie, I'm so glad you got to hold Harper!!! YAY!! Thank goodness you got your meds sorted!! Still thinking of you!! x x x

  2. What a day for you!!!! Maybe you are responding and they're just pushing your body a bit further to get more eggies??? I'm just so relieved you were able to get the meds!!!!

    And I'm even more excited that you got the clear to love on Harper!!!!! :-) So very excited that you could finally see her!

    I'll be anxiously awaiting Thurday's b/w results and u/s!! ;-)

  3. i love you so much and i am thinking of you. you are more strong and brave than i can even imagine! harper is oh so lucky to have you, being an auntie is the best!
