Sunday, March 15, 2009


Meet our embryos!
They are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. To everyone else they look like a cluster of cells, but to Joel and I, they are our babies.
This is the closest to parents we have ever been. These embryos are ours. They are Joel, and they are me. We love them so much already.
The larger embryo is progressing a little faster than the other. It is already starting to hatch out of the zona pellucida. Bet you didn't know that human babies hatch out of shells, did ya? They have to hatch to allow the trophectoderm to attach to the uterine wall. If you look closely at the outer layer of the bigger blast you will notice the trophectoderm, that's what will become the placenta.

This has been the scariest day of all. We couldn't sleep last night. We both couldn't sit still during the ride to the clinic.
We waited to be called back to the meeting room. The embryologist walked us back to one of the offices. As I was following him I caught a glimpse of a picture of our embryos on our med file stack. It made my heart jump.
He started out by handing us the picture, I couldn't stop smiling and staring at it.

The embryologist went over all of our numbers. Of the 16 eggs that were retrieved, 12 were mature. All 12 of those eggs were ICSI'd, but one of them didn't fertilize.
All 11 of the eggs that did fertilize continued to grow, we didn't lose any along the way! The two best were the ones that we transferred to me today. The rest will be watched through tomorrow, and then frozen.
Our doctor told us that it can't get any better. Apparently we make good, healthy embryos.

I've been on bed-rest all day today. I hate it. I feel worthless. All I can get up to do is use the bathroom. I'm bored. I just keep putting my hands on my belly and asking the embies to stick with me.

9 more months is all I ask. Please stay. Please.


  1. Those are the most beautiful chunk of cells I have EVER seen in my entire life!!!! Oh, I am just sooooooooooo excited for you guys!! I can't help but giggle at the excitment of you and Joel becoming parents and my eyes well up with tears of joy for you guys!!! You stay rested and let those babes implant for a nice comfy, LONG journey of growing and developing!!!!! I can't wait to see pee sticks... :-)

  2. Oh, and way to go with the snow babies to be!!!! You'll certainly be able to have your large family you and Joel dream of... :-)

  3. Ah I'm actually balling my eyes out!!!! That is so amazing, so technically you are a little pregnant right now!!! Stick babies stick!!! :)

  4. Grandma says "yippee" I know you two will love and cherish these children and we welcome them into the family. So much to pray and praise for! Love, Mom

  5. I just love it, your little "embies" are in the right spot. They are already so very loved.
