Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 5 Embryo Transfer

I just retrieved the message from my medvoice line. It looks like we will be doing a Day 5 blastocyst transfer! This is great news.
Joel and I were hoping to do a day 5 transfer versus the 3 day because it has a higher success rate.
I am so happy right now. They didn't tell me how many embryos we have, or how they are looking which is a bummer. We must have a decent number that look good right now since they are willing to allow them to develop for a few more days. If the embryos aren't looking very good, they will usually transfer them on day 3, so that they are in their natural environment, instead of a laboratory.
I suppose that it is better not to know anyway. I would be completely paranoid about how they are developing. It's best just to leave it in the Lord's hands, with the assistance of the embryologist. I can't do anything to change how they are maturing anyway.

The transfer will take place on Sunday at 11:00 am. Exactly 120 hours from the time that my eggs were retrieved.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooohhhhh girl I can hardly take all this excitement!!! I will be thinking of you and Joel and your embies this weekend!!! x
